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Betclic Group celebrates World Kindness Day

On a day that celebrates the importance of kindness and good deeds, Betclic Group wished to thank the Covid-19 contact tracing and pathology teams at Mater Dei Hospital for their hard work.

In recognition for their priceless help to the Maltese community, Betclic Group delivered packed lunches from Eeetwell to all the staff members of these teams on Friday 13th November 2020.

Kenneth Buttigieg and George Fenech from Mater Dei Swabbing Centre are solely dedicated for all patients who would need to be admitted to Mater Dei. It also caters for all health care professionals and Mater Dei staff and their relatives. Between 3:30pm and 7:15pm it is also open for the general public, who need to attend by appointment.

The Clinical Chairman for the Pathology Department, Dr. Chris Barbara, spoke to Geraldine Gilford, Head of HR at Betclic Group, and explained that the staff at the Mater Dei Laboratory has been working around the clock to issue results of the samples gathered from all the Swabbing Test Centres around the island. Testing capacity increased to enable test results to be performed daily and in a timely manner. The people at the laboratory are often forgotten since they are the ones working in the background on the actual test results and not are seen, however they are just as important.  

On behalf of all its staff, Betclic Group hopes that this small act of kindness and gratitude helped to make this a better day for some of our local heroes.