2024 edition of the L-Istrina BOV Piggy Bank Campaign launched

The yearly L-Istrina BOV Piggy Bank Campaign to raise funds towards the Malta Community Chest Fund amongst schools was launched on Tuesday.

President of Malta Myriam Spiteri Debono and the Chief Executive of Bank of Valletta Kenneth Farrugia launched the 2024 edition of the campaign. Also present at the launch was Minister for Education Clifton Grima and the Shadow Minister for Education Justin Schembri.

President Spiteri Debono spoke of the importance of children helping those in need, which through such campaigns, she said, strengthens their sense of altruism. Farrugia spoke of the importance of not only gathering funds for those in need but also raising the values of solidarity and helping others amongst the younger generations.

For his part, Grima said that he is certain that, like previous years, students will be altruistic and generous. Meanwhile, Schembri explained how initiatives such as the L-Istrina BOV Piggy Bank Campaign create a greater sense of responsibility towards society in youths.

Chairperson of Malta Community Chest Fund, Sina Bugeja encouraged the school administrations to create a sense of community amongst their students and come together through this campaign in leading by example.

This is the 21st consecutive edition of the initiative with proceedings going towards the Malta Community Chest Fund. This year however, an emphasis is placed on environmental protection through piggy banks that can be reused and made of environmentally-friendly material.

In the coming weeks, the President of Malta will visit a number of government, Church and private schools across Malta and Gozo to meet students and promote the campaign.

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