A Maltese company specialised in AI sees market growth following Horizon2020 funding

Minister for Equality, Research and Innovation Owen Bonnici visited the offices ofInboundMuse, a company that benefited from the European Union’s Horizon2020 funding program. The company is an Innovations Hub based in Malta, delivering specialised consulting services with a focus on advances in Artificial Intelligence and a data-driven approach to doing business.

During his visit, Minister Bonnici had the opportunity to talk to the employees and was shown a presentation about the company’s advancement thanks to the Horizon2020 funding program, which has now been replaced with Horizon Europe.

During his address, Minister Owen Bonnici praised the company for its achievements. “Thanks to this funding, this AI technology company managed to become an innovative company that exports made-in-Malta technology overseas. This is a perfect example of how a company can benefit from getting involved with programmes such as Horizon2020 and I encourage other companies to follow suit and tap into such opportunities as Horizon Europe as well”, said the minister.

“We are proud of this Maltese talent”, the minister continued.

Since 2015, the once fledgling tech start-up duo, Tyron Lloyd Baron and Mark Mallia have led a team that has gone from strength to strength, employing 10 people with a focus on Artificial Intelligence and Data Science. 

With plans to double the entire team to 20 full-time roles by the end of 2022, InboundMuse has attracted to Malta the global AI solutions leader Altada Technologies which has now opened offices in Smart City to be closer to its strategic partners on their path to global expansion. Together, these innovative, high-growth companies will remain focused on cutting-edge innovation and the development of AI application for the global market.

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