MEP Alex Agius Saliba will be in charge of the Socialists and Democrats’ Digital Agenda. Following his record of accomplishments in the European Parliament on key digital files and issues, the Labour MEP was entrusted to be the responsible Vice President of the S&D Group for one of the most important portfolios, innovation, AI, and strong digital Europe for all.
Shortly after confirming his new role, MEP Agius Saliba said that he would be leading the Socialists and Democrats’ policies in favour of a new inclusive digital Europe that neither leaves anybody behind nor leads to a ‘race to the bottom’ with regard to labour and social standards. In his role, he will be pushing for a new social contract for the digital age with clearly defined digital rights that protect our citizens and offer opportunities to everyone.
“The digital transformation affects every aspect of our lives. While it offers many opportunities for a better quality of life, innovation, economic growth, and sustainability, it also presents new challenges. As Socialists and Democrats, we need to ensure that these changes benefit all citizens and reflect the fundamental values that are often taken for granted. The benefits of the digital revolution must be felt throughout Europe, not just by those at the top of society.” Alex Agius Saliba said.
As part of his responsibilities and work, he will be coordinating a cross-horizontal digital strategy on digital policies for the Socialists and Democrats across different Committees in the European Parliament. “Digital issues are often scattered in various proposals, resolutions, and legislative acts falling under different competences and internal and external committees. A horizontal approach across all the different portfolios will help the S&D push its role as the pioneer for the socialist and progressive policies in the new digital era.” confirmed MEP Agius Saliba.
He explained that as a Group, the S&D will continue working hard towards its vision of creating a fully-fledged Digital Union and a digital environment where Europe can lead the world, where businesses can operate across borders, and where the rights of consumers, employees and citizens are protected. Agius Saliba said that the European Digital Agenda must have a social dimension putting people at the centre of the digital transformation, and the Group will ensure that this social dimension is not forsaken in this transition.
As part of his portfolio, MEP Agius Saliba has also been entrusted with coordinating the policies pertaining to the Industry, Research and Energy Committee, Transport and Tourism Committee, Culture and Education Committee, and the Committee on Legal Affairs.