Auction results and allocation of the Malta Government Stock Issue – November 2020

The building of the Malta Stock Exchange in Valletta. (source: Wikimedia Commons/Frank Vincentz)

The Treasury announces the auction results and allocation of the Malta Government Stock issue of November 2020. 

By the closing date at noon on Wednesday, 4 November 2020, the Treasury received one hundred and thirteen (113) bids having a total nominal value of €492.3 million against the authorised sum on issue of €150 million subject to an over-allotment option for an additional sum up to a maximum of €85 million.  

The Treasury is allocating the accepted amount of €235 million, as hereunder:

 Bids ReceivedAllotment
 Nominal  (€)Nominal (€)
0.40% MALTA GOVERNMENT STOCK 2026 (II) F.I.131,500,00040,700,000
0.80% MALTA GOVERNMENT STOCK 2027 (III) F.I.184,500,00030,000,000
1.50% MALTA GOVERNMENT STOCK 2045 (I) F.I.176,300,000164,300,000

More information can be found on the MGS Issuance Results report published on Treasury’s website at

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