BOV management meets with shareholders during an Information Session

As previously announced, Bank of Valletta held an information session for its shareholders at the Hilton Hotel in St. Julian’s. Several topics related to the operations of the bank were discussed during the session, which was attended by a substantial number of shareholders. The Board of Directors, headed by the Chairman Dr Gordon Cordina, answered all questions put forward by shareholders, with particular questions related to the agreement reached in the Dieulemar case.

Information was also provided on the Bank’s business plans for the short and long term, as well as how the Bank has assisted the country’s economy during the pandemic. Dr Cordina explained in detail how the Bank intends to improve the customer experience so that through these improvements it can continue to meet customers’ aspirations and expectations while at the same time strengthen its position as the largest bank in the country.

At the end of this session Dr Cordina expressed his satisfaction with the discussion that had taken place during this meeting. “It has been a pleasure for me, as well as for the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee, to meet with our shareholders after a two-year absence. We had a mature discussion during which we explained the various issues raised by the shareholders, as well as put forward our plans for the future. It was a session during which we were able to acknowledge the will of both management and shareholders for the Bank to continue to strengthen its position as the largest bank in Malta”.

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