Home Economy Budget 2024 measure discussed at DG Connect, DG Grow

Budget 2024 measure discussed at DG Connect, DG Grow

Malta Enterprise delegation with the European Semiconductors Industry and with DG Connect paving the way for the setting up of a Malta Competence Centre.

As part of its efforts to further strengthen the Maltese semiconductor ecosystem, Malta Enterprise held a series of technical meetings in Brussels with the specific objective of setting up a Malta microchips Competence Centre.

The meetings served to consolidate Malta Enterprise’s relationships with EU and research institutions and to discuss a number of key dossiers crucial for Malta. 

Malta Enterprise is actively engaged in providing feedback to the Government on industry related proposals such as the European Chips Act, the Net Zero Industry Act, the Critical Raw Materials Act and the Foreign Subsidies Regulation. 

The budget measure that establishes the Malta Competence Centre comes out of the background negotiations on the European Chips Act. The European Commission through the European Chips Act will be co- financing Competence Centres in each Member State. 

After meetings held with the European Commission, CEO Malta Enterprise Kurt Farrugia stated that “Malta Enterprise is spearheading the establishment of the Malta Competence Centre that will be further future-proofing the Maltese semiconductor ecosystem and complementing the Industry 4.0 investment taking place through our first Important Projects of Common European Interest (IPCEI) at our largest manufacturing Foreign Direct Investment facility. This is also part of Malta’s economic direction to attract to Malta higher-value adding activities which create better paid jobs for our students and local employees.”