Buskett will have a new information centre for visitors, among ongoing works

Minister Aaron Farrugia announced a new visitors’ centre for families and all those who visit Buskett gardens. 

Ambjent Malta will be starting the demolition, construction and finishing works of the visitors’ centre. 

Once completed this visitors centre will serve as a hub where information on Buskett as well as on the flora and fauna found in this area will be available. This centre will be equipped with sanitary facilities, CCTVs and a security system. 

The Minister explained that during this time of the year, Ambjent Malta officials are busy conducting several interventions such as corrective pruning on various trees. This procedure is done to promote health growth by removing dead and dying branches. Moreover, works also includes daily routine work such as cleaning and grass cutting. AM has also started installing new signs at Buskett which will provide direction to visitors. The estimate investment for the demolition, construction and finishing works of the visitors’ centre is €244,000. 

Minister Farrugia said that works on the Vaulted Grotto, which is a landmark in Buskett left to us by the Grandmasters of the Order of Saint John, are also ongoing. Regretfully, throughout the years this has undergone structural damages and thus, AM are workig to restore this landmark structure through an investment of €323,000.

Buskett has a Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and a Special Protection Area (SPA) status, which is popular with both Maltese and foreigners,  particularly in winter. Buskett, and the area around it, is also important as a concentration point for birds of prey, many of which are of international importance. This has allowed the area to receive designation both as an SAC and an SPA. The area also hosts a cave: l-Għar tal-Inkwiżitur. 61% of the SAC, or 149 Ha, consists of agricultural land, most of which is irrigated.

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