Casa Antonia kickstarts summer programme

(source: Casa Antionia media)

Casa Antonia Nursing and Residential Home in Balzan has launched its summer programme hosting outdoor events for their residents, according to a press release sent to Business Malta.

The residential home will host summer parties, with open-air dining and live music sessions. Casa Antonia says it places special emphasis on traditional Maltese festivities — or “festa” as the Maltese refer to them — including, but not limited to, the feast of Imnarja on 29 June and the village feast of the Annunciation.

Casa Antonia will be hosting further events such as the annual “majjalata” — a traditional Maltese food gathering — in August and fish night on 10 September.

The residents are able to attend specialised swimming sessions with an aqua therapist in order to help them with water exercises and relaxation, says the press release.

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