The Central Bank of Malta is proud to announce that it has been awarded the Equality Mark by the National Commission for the Promotion of Equality (NCPE).
The award to the Central Bank of Malta signifies the true commitment by the Bank to implement relevant policies and practices that foster a healthy work environment free from any discrimination as well as tangible proof of the Bank’s commitment to its employees. This achievement also acknowledges the Bank’s support to gender equality and its commitment to provide family-friendly measures to ensure that career progression, personal growth and opportunities for development are open to all staff irrespective of their gender or caring responsibilities.
The Bank employs 387 employees out of which 181 are females with women being represented in the top executive grades too. The Central Bank of Malta has several family-friendly measures among which reduced hours, flexitime, flexible work arrangements, teleworking and pay equality.
The NCPE awards this certificate to those organisations that demonstrate a commitment towards best practices in the area of gender equality. The Equality Mark logo has been designed to distinguish the certified equal opportunity employers.