Central Bank of Malta and staff contributions used for tree-growing initiatives

Governor Edward Scicluna (second from right) was shown round the Visitors’ Centre at Salina by Birdlife CEO Mark Sultana (third from right), accompanied by Birdlife and Bank representatives.

Governor of the Central Bank of Malta, Professor Edward Scicluna, visited two sites related to two tree planting projects financed by contributions from the Bank and its staff.

The Central Bank of Malta donated a sum from the sale of surplus books while the staff from all offices and departments were invited to support the initiative.

The contributions were used to procure trees and sponsor a drip irrigation system.

The first project involved the setting up of a drip irrigation system at the Salina Nature Reserve Afforestation Programme, managed by Birdlife Malta. The irrigation system caters for a large number of evergreen and fast-growing, low-height indigenous tree Pistacia lentiscus (Deru Lentisk/deru) which were planted to create a green buffer wall along the perimeter of the site as the species grows into a thick and much branched bush. Other indigenous trees include the Tamarisk (Tamarix) and Vitex agnus-castus (Chaste Tree/Siġra tal-Virgi).

(From right) Zabbar mayor Jorge Grech watched Governor Edward Scicluna plant one of 100 citrus trees in what was previously an abandoned field. Next to the Governor are (right to left) Sister Phyllis, Sister Firdos and Sister Carmen, CBM’s health and safety officer Alan Markham, CBM communications coordinator Vanessa Macdonald, and a volunteer.
Governor Edward Scicluna was welcomed to the home for children run by the Dominican Sisters in Zabbar by (from left) Madre Sister Firdos,  Sister Phyllis and Sister Carmen. Zabbar Mayor Jorge Grech (first right) was present for the event.

The second project involved the planting of 100 citrus trees at Dar San Ġużepp in Żabbar, run by the Dominican nuns. Mayor of Żabbar, Jorge Grech was also present.

Bank Governor Edward Scicluna said: “Tree planting forms part of the Bank’s corporate social responsibility programme.”

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