The Malta Chamber of Commerce and Identity Malta Agency teamed up for a new weekly outbound service to start on 18 July, under which the two organisations will receive still-abroad applications every Thursday, according to a press statement published by the government’s Department of Information (DOI). The applications will arrive between 9.00 am and 12.00 pm at the chamber’s office in Valletta.
Employers who are members of the Malta Chamber of Commerce will be able to set an appointment and submit up to five applications a week. The officers, who are currently undergoing training with ID Malta, will only be accepting applications from those employers who will be directly employing the prospective applicants, as the press statement says.
This announcement was made by Parliamentary Secretary for Reforms, Citizenship and Simplification of Administrative Procedures Julia Farrugia Portelli, during a dialogue meeting for members of the Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry with the Prime Minister.
Alongside this initiative, Ms Farrugia Portelli announced that a pilot project with two of Malta’s major economic pillars will make way for an online platform. This online platform, which will be gradually enrolled later this year, will enable employers to electronically apply for still-abroad applicants.
“These new initiatives will further smooth out the application process so as to meet customer demands better,” said Ms Farrugia Portelli.