Minister for the Economy and Industry Silvio Schembri launched the Artificial Intelligence Research Fund.
“€125,000 have been allocated for this fund and we are encouraging anyone who is interested in this sector to come forward with research projects through which artificial intelligence can be applied to create new systems, which can then be employed by the public and the private sector, and which will improve the efficiency, transparency and interaction with citizens. The maximum amount which can be allocated is €25,000. Executing an innovative idea based on artificial intelligence entails certain costs and this fund provides an opportunity to cover these burdens, from the paying of salaries of those involved in the project to buying or leasing of other necessary equipment,” said Minister Schembri.
It was explained how this initiative works in tandem with the National Artificial Intelligence Strategy, as it impacts several of its objectives, as well as a number of actions set out in the same strategy.
Minister Schembri explained that priority will be given to those proposals or projects which in their concept and nature advance the progress of projects which are mentioned in the same strategy, including the six pilot projects ranging from education to services to the consumer.
Criteria for those eligible for this fund are:
– The applicant may be an educational institution focusing on research
– The applicant may also join a private entity for collaboration between academia and industry
“Through this scheme we are continuing to further enhance the funds available, so that our country continues to be a pioneer in the digital field. It is common knowledge that reliance on technology is a phenomenon that is being experienced all over the world. Therefore, as a government, we are providing the necessary tools to continue to incentivize innovation in this regard. Moreover, we are enabling the collaboration and strengthening of ideas with other collaborators,” said Minister Schembri.

“The Malta Digital Innovation Authority is dedicated to keep Malta at the forefront of AI-based regulation to protect market integrity and consumer protection in line with EU directions, yet the MDIA is also a proponent of ensuring that AI is not stifled through regulation. More so, in an effort for Malta to increase its AI-based research outputs, it is today launching an AI-focused research grant scheme” said MDIA Chairman Joshua Ellul.
To apply and for all necessary information regarding this fund, please visit www.mdia.gov.mt/ai-research. The application form should be sent on email info@mdia.gov.mt. The first deadline for submission of proposals is 31 March 2022