€900,000 scheme for local governments to implement improved and innovative waste management solutions

Minister for National Heritage, the Arts and Local Government José Herrera launched a scheme amounting to €900,000 for local governments to fund projects for innovative and improved waste management solutions in our communities.

Minister Herrera stated that waste management on a national level is a challenge that this government considers a priority. He said that, at community level, we must continue to carry out a complete transformation. “Local governments are a key driver to carrying out this transformation in our country,” stated Minister Herrera.

It was explained that each local council has an obligation by law and a significant role in the waste management sector. Minister Herrera reiterated that the circumstances of each community require specific solutions, and therefore local governments must follow general principles and must offer more focused solutions based on their community and particular realities.

“These funds are aimed at making it more efficient to dispose of your waste. We need to see solutions that combine elements of infrastructure, innovation, education and efficiency. A better quality of life means a cleaner environment and, collectively, we can make a difference,” concluded Minister Herrera.

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