The European Commission (EC) is organising an information session in Malta related to a new call for tenders for translation services launched by the EC’s Directorate-General for Translation (DG Translation), according to a press statement the EC sent to Business Malta.
The “Valletta – MALTA” information session will take place at the European Commission Representation in Malta, Dar l-Ewropa, 254 Triq San Pawl, Valletta, in order to provide further information and to allow potential tenderers to ask questions. DG Translation is organising information seminars in most EU capitals.
Companies, as well as interested individuals or potential consortia, are invited. Registrations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. In order to give everyone interested a chance to participate, the EC kindly asks companies and organisations to limit their presence to two people, the press statement says.
Registrations for the event are accepted through email. On the day of the event, registration accompanied by a brief networking reception starts at 10:30, which is followed by the information session between 11.00 and 13.30.
The Prior Information Notice offers more details about the EC’s call for translation services.