Eden Leisure Group nominated for European Environmental Award

The Eden Leisure Group has been nominated for the ‘European Business Award for the Environment 2020-2021’. The nomination comes as a result of the company’s continuous efforts in environmental awareness campaigns and its sustainable practices and initiatives.

ELG set up their ‘Green Committee’ in July 2018 with the purpose of pushing the company to become more environmentally friendly and adopt greener practices. Ever since, the company has been at the forefront of corporate eco-friendliness.

The introduction of a more efficient data storage system has drastically the reduced the company’s paper usage. Meanwhile the investment of Smart A/C’s ensures less unnecessary power consumption. The company also recently invested in a 100% eco-friendly van. ELG’s, national promotional campaigns, beach clean ups, free distribution of reusable bags and tree planting initiatives are all amongst the contributing factors that led towards the nomination.

ELG was also recently awarded the ‘Management Award for Sustainable Development 2019’ and the ‘Malta Waste Reduction Award’.

Kate De Cesare, Director of Operations at Eden Leisure Group and chairperson for the Green Committee stated, “Adopting sustainable practices at the work place is a duty for all business. It needn’t be complicated or expensive, on the contrary, it can offer enjoyable team building opportunities and bring people together to work for a common goal outside of their regular duties.  It’s win-win!”

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