European Social Partners sign joint declaration on employment aspects of providing financial services including guidance

On May7th 2020 the European Social Partners in the presence of the European Commission signed a joint declaration titled ‘Employment Aspects of Providing Financial Services Including Guidance’ which will be disseminated to each European member state.

The declaration sets clear parameters and outlines guidelines that relate to regulatory compliance, employee training, information and communication, healthy working conditions, work/life balance, professional values, sustainability, data protection and privacy to be supported with ongoing dialogue. UNI Europa and Uniglobal Finance who are representative of banking and finance unions jointly signed the declaration with the Employers’ representatives of the European Banking Federation (EBF), the European Savings Bank Group (ESBG) and the European Association of Co-Operative Banks (EACB).

Amongst others, the need to show integrity, professionalism, respect for the law by acting diligently and responsibly, by being fair and respectful of others are core values that need to be embraced by both employers and employees alike to ensure best practices rule in support of providing financial services of the highest of levels.

The virtual singing of the declaration follows up previously signed joint declarations by the European social partners that cover Teleworking and the Impact of Digitalisation on Employment. The Malta Union of Bank Employees (MUBE) President William Portelli acting as Uni finance co-ordinator of social dialogue affairs in the European Banking sector is one of the signatories of the declaration.

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