FinanceMalta delineates plans for 2022 during members’ meeting

Rudolph Psaila, Chairman of FinanceMalta

For the second-year running, FinanceMalta organised a virtual meeting with its members which served as an opportunity to provide them with an overview of its strategy for 2022. In addition, the meeting provided insight on the various ways how members can take maximum advantage of their FinanceMalta membership.

The event was led by Rudolph Psaila, Chairman of FinanceMalta.

During the virtual event, Mr Psaila outlined FinanceMalta’s remit, namely that of promoting Malta as an international financial services centre whilst offering members a platform to network with industry peers on an international dimension.

Mr Psaila remarked that during the year 2021, FinanceMalta had to continually adjust the manner in which it functions in order to adapt to the challenges brought about by COVID-19: “While in the first three quarters of the year we put our efforts on digital activities and virtual events, the fourth quarter saw physical participation in international events around the globe. We also held a key local networking event for stakeholders in the insurance sector. Our plan is to continue developing and improving our strategy, both locally and internationally, to ensure the objectives are attained.”

FinanceMalta embarked on a number of  digital initiatives, among which the newly launched #FinTalks, a podcast series hosted by FinanceMalta featuring members and stakeholders operating in the financial services industry, and a widespread presence on social media, with a broader variety of content to maximise visibility. With regards to international events, 17 speaking positions were allocated to FinanceMalta members and more than 50 delegate passes distributed to members.

In 2021 FinanceMalta also held its Annual Conference – once again in a hybrid format – lining up over 50 speakers and over 300 people registered for the event.

The FinanceMalta Chairman also explained that the strategy for 2022 includes new initiatives, but also aims at building on the work done in 2021. With the objective of aligning its action plan to the interests of its members, in the coming weeks FinanceMalta will meet with industry players to define a detailed business development strategy and gather ideas on promotional actions to be implemented. Internationalisation will remain a priority, and the close collaboration with the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC) will be reinforced during 2022. FinanceMalta will also continue to focus on providing more opportunities to its members to attend quality events in a number of jurisdictions. The podcast series “#FinTalks – A chat with FinanceMalta” will be retained in order to provide members with visibility, regulatory updates and industry insight.

The last part of the meeting was dedicated to contributions and questions from the FinanceMalta members.

For more information or to become a member of FinanceMalta, one can contact Ivan Grech, email or visit

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