Financial Intelligence Analysis Unit appoints new director

Alfred Zammit

The Board of Governors of the Financial Intelligence Analysis Unit (FIAU) has, in accordance with article 23(1) of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, appointed Mr Alfred Zammit as Director of the FIAU with effect from the 20 December 2023. Mr Zammit has been appointed following a public call for applications and a selection process as required by law.

The Board assessed the suitability of 5 candidates who applied for the position, and following careful consideration unanimously agreed that Mr Alfred Zammit has the required qualifications, expertise, experience, skills, and attributes that are best suited for the role of Director of the FIAU, and more closely aligns with the specific needs of the FIAU at this time.

Mr Zammit has been employed at the FIAU for the past 13 years. He is the Deputy Director of the FIAU and currently holds the position of Acting Director.  He is excellently prepared on a technical level, and has the experience, leadership, organizational, and management skills required for the post. Mr Zammit has extensive experience in engaging with both national competent authorities and international organisations and institutions. He is very well regarded and respected within the international AML/CFT community, where he is active and participates in international meetings and fora on anti-money laundering and combating financing of terrorism. Mr Zammit is also highly regarded by the community of industry stakeholders in Malta.

The Board took note of the fact that over the past few years the FIAU went through several successful reforms, and that at this point in time, the FIAU requires a Director who has the necessary expertise, proven experience and skills, who is well attuned to the specific needs of the Unit, and who can provide stability and ensure continuity by leading the FIAU on its current successful path of development.

The Board therefore unanimously agreed that Alfred Zammit is the most suitable candidate for the post of Director of the FIAU.

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