Financing green energy investments

A Webinar by the Gozo Business Chamber and Bank of Valletta

Entrepreneurs can now adapt their business models to lower costs together with reducing their negative impact on the environment by making sustainable investments in green energy. Whilst investing in renewable and efficient energy solutions requires an initial expense, Bank of Valletta’s innovative financing solutions can help overcome this barrier and ensure a good return on investment.  

The Gozo Business Chamber, in collaboration with Bank of Valletta will be hosting a webinar on the 8th July from 12:30-13:30 hrs to discuss affordable and accessible financing options for green investments. During the webinar, Mark Scicluna Bartoli, Executive Product Management and Development at Bank of Valletta together with colleagues from the European Investment Bank will provide information on the BOV Energy Loans.

The BOV Business Energy Loan, is an innovative financing scheme aimed at assisting enterprises reduce their energy costs. The loan is available to both SMEs and Mid-Caps (enterprises employing up to 3000 employees). The BOV Business Energy Loan benefits from a guarantee offered by the European Union and the Government of Malta permitting the Bank to provide an attractive interest rate and collateral terms.  Over and above, the loans benefit from a 2% interest rate subsidy for the first three years which will contribute towards improving the payback of green investments.

“Businesses should assess their energy consumption and prioritise their energy saving investments based on their highest payback,” said Mark Scicluna Bartoli. “The BOV Business Energy Loan will ensure that the investments identified reap a quick payback, whilst reducing the enterprises’ carbon footprint going forward.”

“At Bank of Valletta we recognise the potential of green investments and their perfect fit into our strategy towards a more sustainable banking model” stated Mark Scicluna Bartoli. Having successfully bid for the EU’s Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy financing instrument, the Bank is providing easier access to finance for green investments in line with the European Green deal objectives.

To join this free webinar visit and complete your registration.

The BOV Personal Energy Loan, the BOV Home Energy Loan and the BOV Business Energy Loan are financially supported by the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Malta Fund (EERE) which is co-financed by the Republic of Malta and the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The objective of this fund of funds and its first loss guarantee combined with an interest rate subsidy scheme is to support the access of the final recipients for their investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy measures.

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