HM to commemorate artist Esprit Barthet at MUZA

On 16 October, Heritage Malta will commemorate Maltese artist Esprit Barthet — one of the best known local artists contributing to the development of artistic expression in Malta — at the MUZA, according to a press release sent to Business Malta.

Mr Barthet studied at the “Liceo Umberto Primo” in Valletta and he began his art studies at the Malta School of Art, under the supervision of the artist Edward Caruana Dingli. In addition, he attended Giuseppe Calleja’s “Scuola del Nudo” at Old Mint Street.

Barthet was a prolific artist with the ability to diversify into still-life, landscape, and other genres, according to Heritage Malta. After that, he gained his new portraiture style during his studies in England at the “Academy of Arts” in Bath.

One of his most famous portraits is the one of Marì tal-Bajd, which represents a woman portrayed in her heavily veined and gnarled hands and in her expressive face which captures also a dignified look in her eyes. The painting is part of the National Collection and can be viewed at the national-community art museum MUŻA. Furthermore, Mr Barthet is known for his abstract rooftops paintings and for his ability to integrate painting and sculpture.

Admission to the event is free of charge.

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