HSBC Malta Foundation supports Careers Expo ‘Inspire to Aspire’

Keynote speakers - Careers Expo ‘Inspire to Aspire’

In partnership with Junior Achievement Young Enterprise (JAYE) and the HSBC Malta Foundation, volunteers from HSBC Malta participated in a virtual Careers and Future Skills Expo entitled ‘Inspire to Aspire’.  The Expo was heldlate last week to coincide with the end of the post-secondary Company Programme where mini-company teams from various 6th Form Colleges learnt how to ideate, develop and run a business. 

Keynote speakers included Brendon James Botha, a South African former Rugby World Cup Player, Sarah Rapp, JA Worldwide Leader, Alumni and Marketing and Amy Camilleri Zahra, Activist, Academic and Public Speaker.  The students also had the opportunity to sign up for one-to-one sessions with key representatives from HSBC Malta, Atlas Insurance, Deloitte and Salesforce. The one-to-one sessions were matched to the students’ pre-selected areas of interest, including such roles as that of CEO, Strategy, Customer Service, Technical Engineer, Risk Compliance, Finance, Tax, Business Development, Brand and Communication and Human Resources.

Caroline Buhagiar Klass, Head of Human Resources and Corporate Sustainability at HSBC Malta, said:  “HSBC’s commitment towards the development of Future Skills through education is further supported by the work JAYE does through its programmes that empower Malta’s youth to be future-ready.”

The Expo and workshop were part of an 8-month programme that teaches 6th Form students how to go about starting a mini-company, creating a product and running a business.  This “learning by doing” approachleaves theory and books behind and helps students develop not only enterprise acumen but life-long skills such as team-work, negotiation skills, problem solving, self-efficacy and resilience.  The teams now head for their final hurdle, the JAYE National Finals and Awards, the winners of which will represent Malta at the European Company of the Year Competition to be held in July 2021.

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