The Association of Catering Establishments (ACE) once again reiterates that the majority of Catering Establishments have been following the anti-COVID 19 measures throughout the last year. The establishments have been highly hit by the pandemic. There is no scientific evidence that there are widespread cases deriving from restaurants as stated various times by ACE. Nevertheless, on various occasions the establishments had to carry the sacrifice due to irresponsible activity of certain persons. Thanks to the collaboration with Government most establishments managed to remain open and retain employees. The sacrifice from owners and employees to keep floating is an extremely laudable one.
The bars and clubs have been suffering even more due to the extended closure order which has now lasted for a number of months. Although one appreciates Government’s financial assistance it is definitely far from enough to cover the expenses and losses incurred
The selfish few engaging in mass activities in places without licences for such activities including but not limited to private households are jeopardising all the sacrifices and efforts done by the majority of the residents in Malta. Other irresponsible persons have engaged in similar activities behind closed doors as reported on various occasions.
The ACE calls on the Authorities to engage into an even more pro-active enforcement to ensure that mass activities seen last weekend and in the weekend after Carnival do not put the entire population at risk. People should realise that defeating in any way the rules will be self defeating in the longer term . The non-issuing of refunds by certain accommodation establishments for the bookings during carnival in Gozo, has led to apparent adherence to rules during Carnival weekend, which in reality was a postponement of the problem to the following weekend.
It is time for some people to give account of and take responsibility of their irresponsible actions.