In view of the uncharacteristically large number of new COVID-19 cases registered on Sunday, The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry highlights and reminds its members and the general public that the virus remains with us and we need to remain vigilant to ensure a heightened sense of maturity and responsibility by the operators in the entertainment industries.
The Malta Chamber is not against the organisation of mass events, as long as these are organised in a responsible fashion and are able to manage responsible crowds, taking into consideration all safeguards and mitigation measures of social distancing and hygene. Short of that, such events should be called off. Events attracting a foreign crowd that derive from higher risk jurisdictions cannot be approved unconditionally.
The Malta Chamber appeals for closer communication and collaboration between the health authorities and organisers of public events to ensure that these can take place without unnecessary risk to the physical health and future economic prospects of the country. The Malta Chamber believes that events of any kind should only be allowed to take place if the organisers together with the said authorities can guarantee that the necessary safeguards and control procedures are in place to ensure that the risk of spreading the virus are kept to an absolute minimum.
Meanwhile, The Malta Chamber is in active contact with players in the events and entertainment industries with a view to make further pronouncements over the coming days.
The Malta Chamber recognises the hard work of our front-liners, the risks being managed by our business leaders (coupled with their hard work to redevelop the economy) and the hardship of our vulnerable and is thus compelled to once again call for a renewed and unwavering sense of responsibility by one and all. The cost of losing what we have all worked so hard for, over the past months, wildly out-weighs the gains of short-term profits. Assisting our economic recovery sustainably and supporting the reopening of our schools after summer are priorities and we cannot allow one-off events to risk these objectives.
As The Malta Chamber always promoted a responsible move towards a better normality, this must come in a structured, mature and responsible fashion.