JCI Malta, a local NGO and international leadership organisation, and JA Malta, the local branch of Junior Achievement Worldwide, launched The Leadership Hub on Wednesday, 27 July 2022, at the Clock Tower Building in Tigné Point, Sliema.
The multi-purpose room that was previously known as JA Malta’s training room has been rebranded to be used by both organisations for training sessions and initiatives that focus on leadership across various fields including entrepreneurship, financial literacy, and personal and professional development.
“Both organisations have a similar vision, and our values and goals are aligned, so it made sense to collaborate on this project and strengthen our efforts as a team to offer our members a great space where they can develop their enterprising spirit,” said JCI Malta National President, Giselle Borg Olivier. “I am very pleased to see this collaboration finally come to fruition as it has been brewing for a while and we have now achieved a mutually-beneficial agreement.”
During the launch held on site, JCI Malta members, partners and senators, and JA Malta staff and partners mingled and networked while enjoying refreshments on a balmy summer evening. Prior to unveiling the brand-new wall plaque, JCI Malta Immediate Past President Nicole Borg explained that the organisation had long been looking for a space where it could host its training initiatives and store its resources, and, thanks to a grant offered by JCI in 2021, she had started looking for a suitable space. When the opportunity to partner with JA Malta came about, it made perfect sense to go for it as it ticked all the necessary boxes.
At the unveiling, JA Malta CEO, Matthew Caruana announced that, “JA Malta is currently rebranding to align itself with its international counterparts, and by entering into this partnership with JCI Malta, I believe that we are offering both our sixth form Company Programme students as well as our Startup Programme participants a valuable opportunity to appreciate and utilise the local and international opportunities that are available to them through both the organisations.”
The Leadership Hub will be used for several events and initiatives by both organisations to help their attendees develop an enterprising mindset and proficient skillset.
JCI Malta is supported by its Corporate Partners: 230 Works, Chitzo, Content for Success, JA Malta, JPA, UP Your Level Performance Coaching, Veonio, Zaar, and Zampa Debattista.
JCI Malta would also like to thank Simonds Farsons Cisk plc for sponsoring the event.