Over €5,845,000 had been collected at the end of the 26th edition of the annual ‘L-Istrina’ telethon, organised by The Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation on Sunday, 26 December 2021, with donations continuing to pour in after the transmission had ended.
The sum collected last year was over €5.5 million. This was the second edition to be held during the pandemic; being in quarantine, the President and Mrs Vella participated virtually from Sant’Anton Palace.

At the end of the broadcast, President of Malta George Vella thanked all donors and all those who were involved in the organisation and the running of ‘L-Istrina’, describing the event as proof that, when it comes to showing solidarity with those who are facing serious health issues, the Maltese people put all prejudice aside and give all they can. He expressed his hope that the unity shown on this day is maintained throughout the rest of the year.

Present for the announcement of the sum collected was John Huber, Chairman of the Administrative Board of The Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation, who thanked the public for responding so enthusiastically to the Foundation’s call for donations.
The 12-hour fundraiser was broadcast on all national television stations. The donation lines remain open and the general public is invited to continue donating on the following numbers: 5190 2030 – €50; 5180 2012 – €25, 2126 2626 – pledges of donations of €300 and over; 5061 9201 (SMS) – €11.65; 7935 9565 – BOV Mobile Pay.