Launch of The Malta Entertainment Industry and Arts Association (MEIA)

The Malta Entertainment Industry and Arts Association is a new association that was launched yesterday, with the help from the Chamber of Commerce, on the 3 June 2020 in Malta.

The call was made to all creators, performers, promoters, producers, suppliers, cultural educators & all technical people who work in the entertainment industry & Arts covering all the different sectors including music, theatre, dance, film, art & fashion.

The aim of the association is to unite all parties involved in the entertainment industry, anyone who has an interest in the various sectors within this industry.

MEIA will be a non-profit organisation and its main aims will be those of helping its members fight for their rights, ensure a level playing field attitude across the board and help improve the general situation of the entertainment industry in Malta, aiming at improving the local industry further.

The first phase of this Association will be revolving around the initial interest and membership in the Association.

This is can be found at and is available to all the people, entities and organisations that have the entertainment industry at heart and want to be part of the restructuring of the local entertainment industry by means of unity and collaboration.

It’s very important to clarify & understand that this does not belong to anyone, one person, company or group of individuals. Unfortunately it’s a proven fact that the entertainment industry is always the first to get the hit & the last to recover during recessions & challenging times.

Various Individuals within the Entertainment Industry & Arts expressed their views about the Association MEIA.

“Having all entertainment shut down during this pandemic opened my eyes that we’re one of the few, if not the only industry not represented by an association. This is long overdue.” Howard Keith – Jagged House Music Co.

“I’ve had various discussions with authorities throughout recent years to address certain issues. Now it will be much easier having all DJ’s join this association “ Joven Grech -Tenishia (DJ) “Cultural education is one of the pillars of performing arts. I’m glad to be joining other schools & colleagues come together as one voice.” Lorraine Aquilina – SOPA

“The cultural and creative sectors generate 7.9% of the GVA created by the Maltese economy. Having an association representing the arts & entertainment industry is important to bring together the hundreds of freelancers & small businesses that shape the growth of the sector” Toni Attard, director and founder of Culture Venture

“This is s step in the right direction to come together as one voice alongside other sectors. In unity, only strength” Felix Busutill – YADA

“Nothing is more disheartening & discouraging than feeling you are all alone. This will surely make us stronger & I definitely encourage others to join ” Chris Scerri – SouthVille Dancers

“This is something the whole industry needs. Having the A &V suppliers alongside the rest of the industry will give us a better understanding.“ Antoine Busuttil – Besteam Audio

“As a creator I know what it feels like to have my mind wonder off & get lost in the creative world. We tend to forget all the moving parts required to make our industry grow further. All those passionate in film, photography, editing & production should definitely be part of this.” Steven Levi Vella – Video Director

“Being a female artist has definitely taught me that one has to fight harder to get things done but it has also taught me it’s good to good to have someone have your back just like this association will have our backs when we need it – Ira Losco –Singer/ Songwriter

“I encourage my fellow musicians to be part of this initiative to enable us to grow further as an industry” Ivan Grech – Singer/ Songwriter

“Nothing is more satisfying than nurturing talent. However we need much more than that to set standards & an association is most welcomed” Pamela Bezzina – Singing Tutor /Singer

For more detailed information, visit the association’s Facebook page

To contact the association directly, please email on

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