‘Give blood and keep the world beating’ is the theme of this year’s World Blood Donor Day. This is a strong message conveying the essential contribution of all life-saving blood donors around the world.
Bank of Valletta employees have donated over 1300 bags of blood in the 34 BOV Blood Drives organized throughout these past years. The Bank in collaboration with the National Blood Transfusion Service organises three Blood Drives every year and encourages its employees and the general public to regularly donate blood to help save lives.
“Most people may not realise this, but one blood donation can save around 3 lives,” said Jes Sciberras, organiser of the BOV Blood Drive Campaigns. “During these times when only COVID-19 is on the headlines, we cannot forget about the many patients who are in crucial need of blood due to a medical condition or because they are to undergo a major operation. Blood is a precious life-saver needed at all times.”
Every year there are around 4,500 patients who are thankful for the noble gesture of blood donation. “Almost 19,000 people donated blood in the past year, of which over 1000 were also first time donors,” said Tony Micallef from the National Blood Transfusion Service. “On this year’s World Blood Donor Day, I would like to thank all of those that support this heartfelt initiative and serve as an example for society. Moreover, we should also continue to encourage people, especially the younger generation, to start donating on a regular basis. If blood is not readily available, injured people have a lower chance of survival and patients suffering from chronic diseases or waiting to undergo an operation might end up having their medical treatments delayed.”
By donating blood, one’s health is not affected and prior to each blood donation, a medical check-up is carried out to determine whether a person is fit enough and eligible to donate blood. Eligible male donors aged from 18 to 65 may donate blood at least once every three months, while females may donate every four months (every 3 months following menopause).
“Every time we host a blood drive, we manage to collect an average of 40 bags of blood,” said Jes Sciberras. “The pride and support we receive from our staff members is something that amplifies our motivation to keep on contributing to society in several ways. We continue to think of those experiencing tough times, and we’ll strive to serve as an additional helping hand through upcoming blood drives.”
Becoming a life-saving blood hero is a selfless and simple process. Simply visit the National Blood Transfusion Service in Pietà any day between 8am and 6pm, discover more on www.facebook.com/bloodmalta or call on 8007 4313 or 7930 7307 for more information.