MACM in collaboration with Infocredit Group jointly host webinar on effective AML screening tools

MACM and Infocredit Group announced their new partnership which is aimed to provide highly rated commercial and risk intelligence to the members of the association and the Maltese business community at large.

Infocredit Group and MACM will be hosting a free webinar on the 22 of July at 2pm: “Strengthen your Compliance strategy: Effective AML Screening Tools”.

The webinar will address ways and tools required to comply with AML/CTF regulations as well as present the industry’s most comprehensive database of risk profiles, LexisNexis WorldCompliance Online Search Tool (including a Live Product Demo). This would enable businesses to perform enhanced due diligence by manually screening their prospective clients and other third parties against global Sanctions, Enforcement, PEP lists and any Adverse media.

Participants of the webinar will be able to learn about:

  • The core benefits associated with the WorldCompliance OST
  • Its key features and capabilities
  • How the tool can be used
  • Why it is considered the industry’s leading AML tool

Keynote speakers are Manfred Galdes, Managing Partner, ARQ Group and Maria Evangelou, Business Advisory Consultant at Infocredit Group in Cyprus.

Attendees of the webinar will be entitled to a 7-day free trial and a 20% discount on any new subscription to Infocredit Group’s compliance solutions.

To register, click here.

For further information and enquiries, please contact Keith Lia at or Infocredit Group at

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