‘Making the planet a better place with the Sustainable Development Goals’ – APS online talk

Making the planet a better place with the Sustainable Development Goals is the title of the next APS Talk to be hosted by APS Bank on Thursday 4th June 2020. Dr Alexandra Mifsud will be presenting the 14th talk of the series, who will bring her expertise on this topic to the public. This is the second talk which will be streamed online due to the restrictions posed by COVID-19.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the 17 key areas agreed upon by 167 member states of the United Nations, required to create a better and healthier place for all by 2030. The talk will cover how an action in one area impacts results in other areas, modern day challenges, and problems that societies face around the globe. The talk will also present day-to-day actions that can be taken in order to live a more sustainable lifestyle by balancing social, economic and environmental sustainability.

Dr Alexandra Mifsud, lectures Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Malta and the UK. She sits on the Sustainability Research Group within the London Regional Centre of Expertise on ESD and is a member of the Sustainability Steering Group at a London University. She has developed ESD courses and training programmes to a wide range of audiences and applies her research interests in employee engagement and behavioural change to assisting organisations work towards their sustainable development goals.

If you are interested to learn more about this free talk, please visit:

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