Malta airport bags ‘Best Airport in Europe’ award by ASQ

(source: Unsplash/Dynamic Wang)

Malta International Airport (MIA) was named among the winners of Airport Council International’s Airport Service Quality (ASQ) awards by receiving the title “Best Airport in Europe” in its size category in 2018, according to a press statement by MIA.

The Malta airport was named the third and second best airport in its category in 2016 and 2017, respectively. In 2018, however, high satisfaction scores by passengers of the airport put MIA to the top, coming first before its 35 peers in the category hosting five to 15 million passengers annually.

“At a time when the customer experience is becoming an increasingly important aspect of what a business has to offer, it is extremely rewarding to see that our passengers have once again expressed their satisfaction with the service delivered as they travelled through our airport, leading us to win the coveted Best Airport in Europe award,” says Alan Borg, CEO of MIA.

Airports Council International announced the winners following the rating of 346 airports worldwide by more than 650,000 departing passengers throughout 2018.

Being graded at 4.37 points, Malta International Airport’s overall passenger satisfaction score during peak season, stretching from July until September 2018, was significantly higher than the European average of 3.98, the press statement says.

Malta International Airport is sharing the Best Airport in Europe award with seven airports, considered to have delivered a top-notch service in 2018, in the United Kingdom, Spain, Portugal, Norway, Russia, and Iceland.

ASQ’s worldwide programme surveys passengers at the airport on the day of their travels. The programme measures passengers’ views of 34 performance indicators including airport access, check-in, security screening, stores, and restaurants. The ASQ programme also enables the sharing of best practices among airport operators.

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