Malta Bankers’ Association teams up once again with the EBF for European Money Week

For the seventh year running, the Malta Bankers’ Association (MBA) in conjunction with the European Banking Federation (EBF) is joining in a series of activities held across Europe as part of European Money Week (EMW), which is aligned with OECD’s Global Money Week.

The MBA is a member of the EBF. This year the MBA, in collaboration with the Home Economics Seminar Centre within the Directorate for Learning and Assessment Programmes and supported by JAYE Malta Foundation and ĠEMMA, is organising several initiatives to promote awareness related to financial literacy, financial education and financial inclusion for EMW 2021, scheduled between 22 and 26 March.

Further information on these events, which will be held in line with the COVID-19 health directives, will be issued by the MBA in due course.

At this stage, the MBA takes the opportunity to highlight the series of webinars which will be organised by the EBF for this year’s EMW, with the theme, “Counting Everyone In”. The theme highlights the importance of including all social groups in financial education efforts, with a special focus on the elderly, women and youth.

The first webinar will be held on 23 March at 4pm on “Financial security at an older age: What do we need to prepare for”. The topic of the webinar held on the second day, on 24 March at 4pm is “Addressing the Gender Gap in Financial Literacy as Part of a Broader Strategy for Economic Empowerment”.

The EBF’s series of webinars concludes on day 3 – 25 March at 4pm – with the topic being “Financial literacy for young Europeans: Joining forces to help build a future-proof skill set”.

The MBA urges all interested stakeholders to visit the EBF’s website – – for further information, including registration, on the webinar series and other activities for EMW 2021. 

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