Malta Chamber teams up with GET GOVERNANZ for first anti-corruption webinar

“Corruption is a complex socio-economic issue which cannot be fought through a one-size-fits-all approach. Strenghthening legislation and enforcement are important but these need to be complemented with a change in public attitude through systematic and sustained education especially amongst the younger generation.”

This was stated by Terrence Norris, CEO of Get Governanz, ahead of the first anti-corruption webinar being organised jointly with Malta Chamber themed “10 Principles for Fighting Corruption” and hosted in collaboration with the American Anti-Corruption Institute (AACI)

The high-level webinar will outline 10 principles for fighting corruption including effective and good governance, effective internal control, independent and effective judiciary and the pervasiveness of the rule of law.

“Political and social events in Malta have created a climate of undue uncertainty within the local business community causing a negative impact on business confidence and on the country’s reputation, especially in particularly sensitive sectors,” says Terrence Norris.

“This webinar will most importantly show that although corruption is a complex socio-economic concept that requires sophisticated tools to eradicate it, fighting it is not impossible but not through a one-size-fits-all approach. Changes to laws, improvements in enforcement structures and procedures are good to start with but these have to be complemented with a change in public attitude through systematic and sustained education of what constitutes corruption; with a particular focus on educating Malta young people on the subject,” he added.

The keynote speaker for the webinar will be Mr. Mike Masoud, director at the AACI. Mr Masoud has extensive experience helping corporations investigating allegations of corruption. In over 25 years of experience, he has helped attorneys in complex court cases involving serious allegations of corporate fraud, improper financial reporting and economic crimes.

He will be joined by Malta Chamber President Perit David Xuereb, together with Mr. Terry Norris, Mr. Andrew Naudi and Dr. Charles Cassar from Getgovernanz, on a short panel.The event will close with a Q&A session.

The event will take place via Zoom on October 8 at 15:30pm. Those interested are invited to register by visiting the events section on

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