Malta Enterprise finalises Innova Foster’s Local Action Plan

(source: Unsplash/Emilio Garcia)

Partnering up with Innova Foster, Malta Enterprise concluded a Local Action Plan (LAP), and therefore got close to the realisation of the first phase of an innovation project aimed at startups, according to a press statement the Malta Enterprise published.

“The proposals presented in the LAP fall within three strategic areas – infrastructure, incentives and capacity building. Through the research carried out, 100 actions grouped under 35 objectives have been identified,” the press statement says.

The Malta Enterprise translated these into nine key actions that contribute to the creation of a national strategy, making vital information available and accessible, increasing financial and non-financial assistance to startups, improving physical infrastructure, building capacity, and increasing the local and international visibility of the ecosystem.

The European Innova Foster project takes place in the framework of the Interreg programme aimed at helping startups grow by engaging them in the innovation processes at the local or regional level and improving their role as industry innovation providers in seven European regions.

Further information about the Innova Foster project may be found on the official webpage of Interreg Europe, while the Local Action Plan may be viewed here.

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