Malta Stock Exchange to launch the MSE Green Market

The building of the Malta Stock Exchange in Valletta. (source: Wikimedia Commons/Frank Vincentz)

The Malta Stock Exchange recognises its responsibility to promote sustainable investments that meet ESG (Environment, social, and governance) standards and can benefit the environment. In support of Malta’s commitment to achieving the European Green Deal targets, the Malta Stock Exchange is pleased to announce that the MFSA has approved the Bye-laws for the MSE Green Market that will allow for the listing of Green Bonds on the local capital market.

Issuers seeking to raise finance for green projects that meet the MSE’s Green List criteria, which are based on the International Capital Markets Association (ICMA) Green Bond Principles, will qualify for discounted listing fees. To qualify for a listing, issuers must invest in projects which contribute towards one of the six environmental objectives that include Climate Change Mitigation, Climate Change Adaptation, Pollution Prevention, Sustainable Use of Water and Marine Resources amongst others.

With the launch of this new market segment, the MSE will continue to contribute towards Malta’s economic development while endorsing sustainable investments in line with national strategies. The launch of the MSE Green Market will continue to raise the profile of the local capital market to be more in line with other European and international Green Bond markets.

The Chairman of the Malta Stock Exchange, Joseph Portelli said “ESG investing has become a hot topic recently, and I’m very pleased that the MSE now has the potential to offer ESG compliant investments.”

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