The volume of individuals aged 16-74 who regularly used the internet in 2018 reached 306,692, which is 81.4% of the total Maltese population, according to the latest statistics published by Malt’s National Statistics Office (NSO).
Every member of the 16-24 age cohort used the internet in 2018, while unsurprisingly the 65-74 age group performed the lowest internet usage of 37.9%, NSO statistics reveal based on a survey. Some 84% of the 16-74 age group said they accessed the internet on mobile devices. A stunning 95.8% of the survey participants said they used the internet for communication purposes, while 88.8% used it for entertainment purposes.
Some 56.8% of the total internet users accessed e-Government services, 46.1% utilised cloud computing services and 66.4% engaged in e-commerce activities.
Out of all internet users, 279,305 people used smartphones, however, only 140,996 of them had some security software installed on their devices.
The full report including charts and visual representation of data is available for download at the website of NSO.
In the EU 28, some 85% of individuals in the 16-74 age group used the internet in the three months preceding the publication of data, according to Eurostat figures published at the end of January 2019. The absolute leader is Iceland with 99%, while the lowest penetration was recorded in Bulgaria with 65%.