Maltco Lotteries invests in training for management

Maltco Lotteries has always placed employee and management training and development at its forefront of its priorities. Success in today’s highly competitive digital world depends not only on the latest technology, but also on the company’s ability to recognise the need to invest in its’ people. 

Maltco Lotteries has commissioned the services of StreetHR to provide a 10-week Management Development Programme to improve in vital skills needed to keep employees and managers motivated, productive, updated to skills required.  Some of the topics covered were, Leadership & Management, Generating a Motivated & Skilled Workforce, Managing Performance, Communication, Time Management, Managing Stress & Confrontation and Leading Change & Innovation.  This venture was done in collaboration with JobsPlus using the Investing in Skills Scheme, and although due to COVID-19 there were some space and time limited, the remaining training has been completed online.

CEO of Maltco Lotteries Vasileios Kasiotakis, stated “As management we are not only responsible of our employees, our agents and their assistants good working conditions but also their continuous skills update and upgrade. Training to all is core to Maltco Lotteries philosophy and practice, from the first day of everyone cooperating with the company’’.

The company will continue in investing in training initiatives to enhance the skills of all its’ workforce, and in particular train all supervisors and team leaders.  After the conclusion of the training, the company HR Director, Mr. Franco Blanco stated, “it was beneficial for us to receive this training as since we all come from different backgrounds, it has aligned our way of thinking and acting . We will continue with further training to all our staff”.  

For more information you may email , visit the company’s website, social media pages or call Maltco’s Helpline on 23883333.

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