MAPFRE Malta takes residential home youth on boat trip

(source: MAPFRE media)

MAPFRE Malta employees took St. Patrick’s Residential Home youth on a boat trip, according to a press release published by the group.

Several employees took their children to the activity so that they could integrate with the boys from the residential home.

“As always, it was both a pleasure and a privilege to spend time with the residents of St Patrick’s home. It is great to see how dedicated the carers and volunteers do their jobs at the residential home. It goes without saying that these boys deserve every ounce of the love and respect they receive,” said Kim Martin, Head of Underwriting at MAPFRE Middlesea.  

The residential home provides accommodation to adolescents who need a place to stay away from home due to personal or social circumstances.

In addition, the organisation makes sure that all the youths are accompanied on their journey towards reintegration with their family of origin or independent living.

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