MCAST launches online learning tools for promoting healthier lifestyle

(source: Unsplash/Marion Michelle)

The Malta College of Arts Science and Technology (MCAST) launched a new online learning portal as part of the “European Youth Health Champions Project”, according to a press statement published by MCAST.

MCAST created the platform including evidence-based and transnational learning resources to promote health among the youth and to encourage them to carry out physical activities for taking care of their health.

The website was launched during an event at Aġenzija Żgħażagħ, MCAST Youth Hub, Students’ House Paola, on 14 March. The event focused on three areas namely the Blended Mobility, the role of the Peer Educator Vs the Professional and the Launch of the Online Training and Workshop.

The youth attending the launch received a pledge card to be a Youth Peer Leader or Trainer or Advocate. MCAST also utilised the Mentimeter app for providing real-time feedback on mobile phones.

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