MCESD discusses Malta’s Strategy for Sustainable Development 2050

The Maltese Council for Economic and Social Development (MCESD) discussed Malta’s Strategy for Sustainable Development 2050 together with the new Project Green agency, the Minister for the Environment, Energy and Enterprises Miriam Dalli and the Parliamentary Secretary for Social Dialogue Andy Ellul .

A Department of Information statement said Dalli told the social partners that the national strategy for sustainable development is not a plan of one entity but that of an entire country. The same goes for the Project Green agency, which aims to manage environmental projects as part of our country’s long-term environmental plan.

“This way we will achieve the goal of sustainability and climate neutrality by 2050 in a collective way. Today everyone is recognising the need for this work, even from the positive response we are receiving from the private sector as far as the ESG platform is concerned. We want to exploit the potential of innovation to ensure environmental protection, social cohesion and prosperity for all,” she said.

Ellul said that to really achieve this vision, everyone must do their part.

“Each sector has a part to play so that Malta really achieves its environmental, social and economic ambitions. You are around this table more and more, because as social partners you represent the different sectors that they all come from and you have the opportunity to contribute to this discussion.”

He added that one should not look at policies and goals that coming from such strategies as something that is limiting, but rather that social partners should take this opportunity to identify what the challenges are so, together and with the help of the Government, these are turned into opportunities.

Director responsible for Sustainable development George Said explained that Malta’s Strategy for Sustainable Development 2050, which is currently undergoing public consultation, establishes five objectives for 2050; transition to a climate-neutral, ecological and blue economy; towards the preservation of sustainable urban development and cultural heritage; ensuring a healthy life and well-being for all; accelerating digital transformation, smart mobility and connectivity; and social justice and prosperity for all.

Said said that the next step is for these objectives to be measured through a set of targets that will be translated into actions in the Malta Action Plan for Sustainable Development 2030.

On Project Green, chief executive Steve Ellul explained how in less than a week from the launch of the agency, the largest environmental scheme of €10 million, Community Greening Grant, was announced.

He explained that this is a new opportunity that entities, local councils, organisations and residents can apply for to continue enhancing localities.

“Private enterprise has a very important role for the transition towards a more sustainable economy. Project Green is the opportunity for enterprises to make a more effective transaction.”

The social partners welcomed the Government’s vision and commitment in favour of a more sustainable development. They also praised the Project Green initiative.

On the matter Chairperson of the MCESD, the Architect David Xuereb promised the collaboration of the MCESD to reach the aspirations and environmental targets set for Malta.

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