The Ministry for Foreign and European Affairs is offering to cover the accommodation costs of Ukrainian nationals and their dependents in the hotels recognised by the Malta Health Authorities as quarantine hotels, for those who need to quarantine in Malta upon their arrival in the Maltese territory.
Such fund will cover individuals who arrived in Malta after 24 February 2022 in order to flee from the current conflict in Ukraine and will be based on the provision of a declaration by the said applicants. Applicants must declare that they do not have the necessary funds to pay for such lodging and have not found any alternative place where to confine during the said period.
The Ukrainian Community leader in Malta is willing to assist applicants in any of their difficulties with regards to securing such funding for their stay, in any of the recognised quarantine hotels. Officials at the Malta Tourism Authority are also willing to assist in dealing with such queries by means of the following email address: tourismcovid-19helpline@visitmalta.com
This fund will be made available until further notice and is being offered by the Ministry for Foreign and European Affairs under the contingency fund ring-fenced for humanitarian assistance.