A new 3,251 square metre Lidl supermarket is being proposed in Qormi, on the site of the former General Soft Drinks Complex.
The site is on Mdina road and Triq il-Vitorja.
The application, filed by Mizzi Organisation LTD & Lidl Immobiliare Malta Ltd, proposes amendments to a previously approved application that had included residential units and showrooms on the site. The proposal is for a part change of use from the above to allow the inclusion of a supermarket, including a parking area and related amenities.
The proposed elevation of the whole complex, including the residential units, is five storeys from Mdina road.
Lidl already runs a supermarket in Qormi. It had also been granted a permit for a new supermarket in Zebbug, on the site of the old SMW Cortis factory.