New notices to mariners linked to the protection of breeding seabirds in Malta

Photo: Joe Sultana

Following scientific assessments carried in relation to seabirds in Malta, the Environment and Resources Authority worked with other relevant entities to protect the said birds through a number of measures which have now come into force.

The Second Assessment of the Status of Seabirds in Malta, published by ERA in 2020, has shown that the status of the three main breeding seabird species in Malta is good. Current data indicates that the populations of the Mediterranean storm-petrel (il-kanġu ta’ Filfla) and the yelkouan shearwater (il-garnija) appear to be stable, with possible increases in the latter, which may be attributable to either an increased monitoring effort or conservation measures, or both. The Scopoli’s shearwater (iċ-ċiefa) also appears stable, albeit with possible declines.

The assessment is available here.

Such assessment process was also made possible with EU and national funding, including scientific research conducted through various projects. Through the results of one such project, namely the the LIFE Arċipelagu Garnija Project, the Environment & Resources Authority (ERA) and Transport Malta (TM), in conjunction with BirdLife Malta (BLM) and the Ministry for the Environment, Climate Change and Planning (MECP), have worked together on the development and publication of Notices to Mariners strengthening further the protection to Malta’s breeding seabird populations. The said Notices were issued by Transport Malta following discussions with ERA, following consultations with industry stakeholders so as to secure an adequate balance in relation to adequate protection to our biodiversity and minimising socio-economic impacts.

The Notices to Mariners are linked with Natura 2000 sites protected by the ERA, and shall include updates to the existing Notice to Mariners at L-Irdum tal-Madonna (off l-Aħrax tal-Mellieħa), as well as, newly proposed Notice to Mariners at the following coastal marine areas:

  • Selmunett/Il-Gżejjer ta’ San Pawl
  • Area off Il-Majjistral Park
  • Area off Miġra l-Ferħa
  • Il-Ħnejja/Blue Grotto, off iż-Żurrieq
  • Santa Marija Caves, Kemmuna
  • Area off Kemmunett
  • Area off l-Irdumjiet ta’ Ta’ Ċenċ, Għawdex
  • Area off Id-Dwejra, Għawdex

The Notices to Mariners are applicable all year round and can be found listed here.

ERA CEO emphasised how the proposed notices shall contribute further to ERA’s efforts towards the achievement of good status of the seabird populations in Malta in accordance with the requirements of the EU Birds, the Habitats and the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directives; and shall support developments as related to the management of Malta’s marine Natura 2000 network.

Since such updates assessments indicate that the implementation of selected measures in Malta have had a good impact on the seabirds status, ERA is now continuing its monitoring actions and efforts on seabirds, as part of the EMFF Marine Monitoring Project being implemented by the ERA. More information on the EMFF Project can be found here.

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