NGOs opposing the urban village being proposed by Hili Group on Comino are vowing to fight on to save the islet from further commercialization and over-construction.
The Court of Appeal turned down the NGO appeal over the adequacy of the Appropriate Assessment Report which was given the thumbs up by ERA, the NGOS said Thursday.
ERA had given its seal of approval to the development of a high-end village on this Natura 2000 site even though it would entail substantial excavation, the destruction of extensive protected garrigue habitat, and significant environmental impacts to flora and fauna, including the marine environment.
Hili Group’s proposal would see year-round disturbance at what would effectively be a commercial village instead of what is currently a tranquil environment, especially during less touristic months.
The NGOs: BirdLife Malta, Din l-Art Ħelwa, Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar, Friends of the Earth Malta, Moviment Graffitti, NatureTrust-FEE, and Ramblers intend to challenge the application before the Planning Authority and other fora.
“Comino is the last relatively pristine spot in the country. It is too precious to sacrifice on the altar of luxury development for the few,” said an NGO representative.