Obscure tales about Mdina and Rabat recounted in Heritage Malta webinar

Gruesome tales involving Mdina and Rabat will be recounted in a webinar by Heritage Malta on Tuesday, 26th January.

A virtual tour during this webinar will wander down murky alleyways and dark catacombs but also inside grand palaces and beautiful churches, each with a story to tell. Stories of bloodshed that left their mark on the history of our country, or even changed its course.

Entitled “Malta Oskura: Rabat and Mdina”, the webinar will start at 8.30pm and will consist of the 20-minute virtual tour followed by a question and answer session. The tour will be in Maltese, with English subtitles.

Participants are requested to register beforehand via this link: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_RyQQecoLQEi-p5PpHJJtoQ

The virtual tour will later be available to download against payment, without the question and answer session.

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