Research Bulletin to be launched at annual research workshop

A presentation on climate change policies in Europe, entitled ‘Market-based instruments under the EU ‘Fit for 55’ climate and energy package’ will be the keynote speech at an online workshop being organised by the Central Bank of Malta to launch its annual Research Bulletin.

The presentation will be given by Alexandra Maratou, Senior Policy Analyst at the European Roundtable on Climate Change and European Transition.

The second presentation by Professor Francesca Severini from the University of Macerata will provide an overview of a new Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model that is currently being developed following a technical co-operation agreement signed earlier this year between the Central Bank of Malta and the University of Macerata. Once completed, this model will be a useful addition to the Bank’s suite of models to address questions related to demand and supply conditions in specific industries.

The workshop will be opened by the Bank’s Governor, Professor Edward Scicluna who will launch this year’s Bulletin which features four articles written by the Bank’s economists from the Research Department. The Governor will give an overview of the topics which will include the transmission of external shocks to the local economy, mobility during the COVID-19 pandemic, the relationship between education and salaries in Malta and how changes in the exchange rate are transmitted to domestic consumer prices.

The workshop, which will be hosted on Teams, will be held on November 26 at 9.30am. Anyone wishing to attend is asked to send an email to so that the meeting invitation can be sent.

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