Results and allocation of the Malta Government Stock Issue – May 2021

The Treasury announces the auction results and allocation of the Malta Government Stock issue of May 2021. 

By the closing date at noon on Wednesday, 19 May 2021, the Treasury received one hundred twenty one (121) bids having a total nominal value of €393.3 million against the authorised sum on issue of €180 million subject to an over-allotment option for an additional sum up to a maximum of €120 million.  

The Treasury is allocating the accepted amount of Euro 300 million, as hereunder:

 Bids ReceivedAllotment
 Nominal  (€)Nominal (€)
0.25% MALTA GOVERNMENT STOCK 2026 (III)172,100,000150,100,000
1.00% MALTA GOVERNMENT STOCK 2031 (II) F.I. 141,000,00080,100,000
1.40% MALTA GOVERNMENT STOCK 2046 (I) F.I.80,200,00069,800,000

More information can be found on the MGS Issuance Results report published on Treasury’s website at

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