The 48-hour-long strike of Ryanair pilots is not supposed to affect the low-fare airline’s flights in and out of Malta, Ryanair has confirmed for Business Malta. The carrier adds that all their flights have departed without interruption. The strike is scheduled for 22-23 August, with another one following up early September.
“All flights are operating as scheduled,” the Ryanair Press Office confirmed for Business Malta when asked whether the 48-hour strike voted on by pilots of Balpa — the British pilots’ trade union — would disrupt traffic of the island nation in the Mediterranean.
Additionally, Ryanair says the strike has not affected any of its flights, so far. “All first-wave flights to and from UK airports departed as scheduled this morning, with 97% punctuality (due to some ATC delays). We do not expect any disruptions to our flights to/from our UK airports today,” a public statement by Ryanair says at the time of publishing this article.
Ryanair pilots are planning another 72-hour strike on 2-4 September.
Ryanair’s legal effort to prevent the 48-hour strike starting today has failed, according to a report by the Guardian. Pilots’ complaints include disagreement about pensions, insurance against loss of a pilot’s licence, parental benefits, allowances and a fair, transparent and consistent pay structure, according to another report by the Guardian.