Scientific journal names UoM prof as co-editor, launches new format

(source: Unsplash/Camille Orgel)

Professor Holger Mitterer from the Department of Cognitive Science at the Faculty of Media and Knowledge Sciences at the University of Malta has recently become the co-editor-in-chief of the journal Language and Speech, according to a press statement issued by the University of Malta. The journal also launches a new research format.

Traditionally, a psychologist and a linguist head the interdisciplinary journal. Professor Cynthia Clopper from Ohio State University is the co-editor-in-chief of the journal.

In a recent editorial published in the journal, the two editors announced the launch of a new format of a registered report. In this new format, researchers can propose a study with a detailed plan laying down all details of design and analysis. After reviewing the plan, a positive evaluation will mean a provisional acceptation of the research, and the results will be published regardless of the outcome, the press statement says

Language and Speech is among the first journals in linguistics to adopt this format, which is foreseen to help battle the replication crises in psychology and related fields and foster the feasibility of replication studies, the editors expect.

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