Home Economy Single Permit measures for cab drivers and food couriers

Single Permit measures for cab drivers and food couriers

The Single Permit, which combines residence and work authorisation, undergoes a rigorous assessment process managed by Jobsplus. This process includes comprehensive labour market testing to ensure alignment with current employment needs. Such testing evaluates the availability of local workers for the positions, assesses the suitability of the applicants, and verifies the legitimacy of the prospective employers.

Jobsplus’ evaluations have indicated that the labour market for cab drivers and food couriers has reached saturation. Consequently, Jobsplus has recommended refusals for a number of new applications, including those from individuals still abroad and those seeking a change of employer. This decision is based on an extensive review of the labour market, including analysing unemployment registers and employer vacancies.

It is important to note that this measure does not affect current workers in these sectors. Applications for renewals of existing employees will continue to be processed without interruption, ensuring that these measures do not displace current employees. The aim is to support the stability and continuity of employment for those already in these roles.

The Ministry for Home Affairs, Security and Employment, along with Jobsplus, is committed to ensuring that third-country nationals working in Malta are protected from abuse by their employers. Whenever cases of abuse arise, appropriate action will be taken by the competent authorities. Minister for Home Affairs, Security and Employment Byron Camilleri has emphasised in Parliament that employers under investigation for exploiting their employees will not be permitted to recruit additional foreign workers until such investigations are resolved. This measure underscores the commitment to prioritising the rights and well-being of workers.

The Ministry renews its appeal to affected employees to seek assistance from Jobsplus. Jobsplus remains dedicated to maintaining a fair and balanced labour market that protects the rights of all workers while addressing the needs of employers and the Maltese economy.